Informação da revista
Vol. 26. Núm. 5.
(01 Setembro 2022)
Over time, evidence changes
Chad E Cook
Braz J Phys Ther. 2022;26:100446
Acesso de texto completo
Systematic review
Adherence to the PRISMA statement and its association with risk of bias in systematic reviews published in rehabilitation journals: A meta-research study
Tiziano Innocenti, Daniel Feller, Silvia Giagio, Stefano Salvioli, Silvia Minnucci, Fabrizio Brindisino, Carola Cosentino, Leonardo Piano, ... Raymond Ostelo
Braz J Phys Ther. 2022;26:100450

  • The mean overall adherence to the PRISMA checklist across the sample of systematic reviews published in rehabilitation journals was 61.4%.

  • A high overall risk of bias was a significant predictor of lower adherence (B=−7.1%; 95%CI −12.1, −2.0).

  • Studies published in fourth quartile journals displayed a lower overall adherence than those published in the first quartile.

  • No association between adherence and publication options and publication year was found.

  • The overall adherence increased (B= 11.9%; 95%CI 5.9, 18.0) when the SR protocol was registered

Open access
Culture and musculoskeletal pain: strategies, challenges, and future directions to develop culturally sensitive physical therapy care
Felipe J.J. Reis, Jo Nijs, Romy Parker, Saurab Sharma, Timothy H. Wideman
Braz J Phys Ther. 2022;26:100442

  • The culture of an individual is dynamic and constantly evolving.

  • Health beliefs and behaviors are shaped by cultural factors.

  • The influence of cultural factors on pain remains overlooked.

  • The perception, communication of pain, and behavior are shaped by culture.

  • Pain education and exercises should consider cultural diversity.

Acesso de texto completo
Original research
The impact of digital physical therapy during COVID-19 lockdown in children with developmental disorders: A qualitative study
Alicia Portillo-Aceituno, Andrea Calderón-Bernal, Jorge Pérez-Corrales, César Fernández-de-las-Peñas, Domingo Palacios-Ceña, Javier Güeita-Rodríguez
Braz J Phys Ther. 2022;26:100445

  • Digital physical therapy may be a solution for continuity during lockdown, yet its development appears complex.

  • Implementation difficulties seem to relate to physical, attentional, and training factors.

  • Technological accessibility, adaptation of the therapist and involvement of the whole family appear to be facilitators.

  • Future possibilities may support a better follow-up with fluid communication between families and therapists.

Open access
Improving patient selection for use of consumer grade physical activity monitors in the hospital
Stephanie Hiser, Jacek Urbanek, Daniel L. Young, Kevin H. McLaughlin, Elizabeth Colantuoni, Daniel J Brotman, Dale M. Needham, Erik Hoyer
Braz J Phys Ther. 2022;26:100447

  • Most hospitals record inpatient mobility using periodic observations by clinicians.

  • Wearable technology may provide a more complete measurement of patient mobility.

  • Wearable technology may not be feasible to use in all hospitalized patients.

  • Screening tools for identifying appropriate patients for this technology is needed.

  • Physical capacity assessments may assist clinicians as a feasible screening method.

Acesso de texto completo
Effect of an educational program on physical activity in individuals undergoing their first percutaneous coronary intervention: A randomized clinical trial
Natássia Condilo Pitta, Rejane Kiyomi Furuya, Noélle De Oliveira Freitas, Carina Aparecida Marosti Dessotte, Rosana Aparecida Spadoti Dantas, Marcia Aparecida Ciol, André Schmidt, Lidia Aparecida Rossi
Braz J Phys Ther. 2022;26:100443

  • The educational program tested in this study, which includes face-to-face, verbal, and written counselling, and telephone follow-up, improved the practice of habitual physical activity among individuals with coronary artery disease.

  • This type of educational program might contribute to the secondary prevention of coronary artery disease.

  • The educational program tested in this study can be implemented by health professionals to increase self-efficacy and habitual physical activity in individuals with coronary artery disease.

Acesso de texto completo
Sedentary behavior is associated with musculoskeletal pain in adolescents: A cross sectional study
Lucas da Costa, Italo Ribeiro Lemes, William R. Tebar, Crystian B. Oliveira, Paulo H. Guerra, José Luiz G. Soidán, Jorge Mota, Diego.G.D. Christofaro
Braz J Phys Ther. 2022;26:100452

  • The prevalence of sedentary behavior among adolescents was high.

  • Boys with moderate sedentary behavior were 2.7 times more likely to have neck pain when compared to those with low sedentary behavior. Similar findings were observed for girls.

  • Girls with moderate and high sedentary behavior were 2.5 times more likely to have low back pain.

Acesso de texto completo
Why do patients with low back pain seek care at emergency department? A cross-sectional study
Renan Kendy Ananias Oshima, Adriane Aver Vanin, Jéssica Pelegrino Nascimento, Greg Kawchuk, Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa, Lucíola da Cunha Menezes Costa
Braz J Phys Ther. 2022;26:100444

  • Most patients who visited the emergency department have had previous episodes of low back pain.

  • Patients believe that the emergency department is the best place to seek care.

  • Patients choose the emergency department because it is always available, and free of charge.

  • These findings provide knowledge to reduce overcrowding and improve health care.

Acesso de texto completo
Effects of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy on fatigue, walking performance, depression, and quality of life in adults with multiple sclerosis: a randomized placebo-controlled trial
Anabel Granja-Domínguez, Anja Hochsprung, Carlos Luque-Moreno, Eleonora Magni, Shahid Escudero-Uribe, Beatriz Heredia-Camacho, Guillermo Izquierdo-Ayuso, Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo
Braz J Phys Ther. 2022;26:100449

  • Electromagnetic field therapy did not have an impact on multiple sclerosis-related fatigue in adults with minimal to significant disability.

  • The effect of electromagnetic fields was similar to placebo for measures of walking performance.

  • Magnetic field therapy did not evoke changes in depressive symptoms or quality of life.

Open access
Isokinetic testing of quadriceps function in COPD: feasibility, responsiveness, and minimal important differences in patients undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation
Anouk A.F. Stoffels, Roy Meys, Hieronymus W.H. van Hees, Frits M.E. Franssen, Bram van den Borst, Alex J. van ’t Hul, Peter H. Klijn, Anouk W. Vaes, ... BASES-consortium
Braz J Phys Ther. 2022;26:100451

  • Evaluation of isokinetic quadriceps testing in COPD is needed to assess its efficacy.

  • Isokinetic testing was performed incorrectly in a quarter of patients with COPD.

  • Quadriceps peak torque and total work improved following pulmonary rehabilitation.

  • Minimal important differences for peak torque and total work were determined.

Open access
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy
en pt
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