Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy
ISSN: 1413-3555

O Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy (BJPT) é a publicação oficial da Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia (ABRAPG-Ft).

O BJPT publica artigos originais nas áreas de fisioterapia e reabilitação, incluindo estudos clínicos, básicos ou aplicados sobre avaliação, prevenção e tratamento das disfunções de movimento.

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MEDLINE (National Library of Medicine); Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), CINAHL, CSA-Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.

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Fator de impacto 2023

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Ultimos artículos publicados
Original Research
The experiences of physical therapists delivering a very low energy diet and exercise intervention for weight loss in people with knee osteoarthritis: A qualitative study
Kim Allison, Rachel K Nelligan, Belinda Lawford, Sarah E Jones, Rana S Hinman, Jesse Pardo, Jonathan G Quicke, Priya Sumithran, ... Kim L Bennell

  • Physical therapists felt adding a diet to standard exercise intervention enabled care.

  • Physical therapists were grateful for trial support when overseeing a diet intervention.

  • They felt weight loss may be within scope of practice if other experts were involved.

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Original Research
“If by exercising I can conceive; I would like to exercise”. Exploring knowledge, perception, and practices about exercise among women with infertility: A qualitative study
Gundimi Shashwathi, Bhamini Krishna Rao, Ajay Bailey, Pratap Kumar, Preetha Ramachandra

  • Women with infertility benefit from exercise.

  • Social media was the primary source of information for exercise.

  • Barriers and facilitators to exercise must be considered by physical therapists.

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Letter to the Editor
Reply to letter to editor for article: ‘‘Development, reliability, and validity of the mobility assessment scale in hospitalized patients (HMob).’’
Isis Resende Ramos, Iura Gonzalez Nogueira Alves, Mansueto Gomes Neto, Bruno Prata Martinez
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Short Communication
A Brazilian Association of Women´s Health Physical Therapy (ABRAFISM) guideline on the terminology of pelvic floor muscle function and assessment
Patricia Driusso, Cristine Homsi Jorge, Ana Jéssica dos Santos Sousa, Daniela Fantin Carro, Leticia Maciel de Freitas, Simone Botelho, Luiz Gustavo Oliveira Brito, Maria Augusta Tezelli Bortolini, ... Elizabeth Alves Ferreira

  • The guideline establishes a consensus on anatomical terminology, signs/symptoms, and assessment of pelvic floor (PF) muscles in women, based on a systematic literature review, involving 21 Women's Health/Pelvic Floor experts.

  • Clearly defined PF terminology in Brazilian Portuguese enhances clinical and scientific discussions by eliminating ambiguity.

  • The guideline is expected to be widely used from undergraduate education to the evaluation and treatment of PF dysfunctions in research and clinical practice.

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Número atual
Vol. 28. Núm. 6.
(1 November 2024)
Looking for the future: Gaps in research and clinical rehabilitation for chronic chikungunya arthralgia
Rodrigo Pegado, Nilson N․Mendes Neto, Lucas Camargo, Kevin Pacheco-Barrios, Felipe Fregni
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101141
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Systematic Review
Priorities in physical therapy research: A scoping review
Sara Souto-Miranda, Eduardo Brazete Cruz, Diogo Pires, Fernando Ribeiro, Nuno Cordeiro, Cristina Jácome
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101135

  • To improve research efficiency, it is crucial to identify knowledge gaps and establish research priorities.

  • This scoping review compiled all physical therapy research priorities into a global agenda for physical therapy research.

  • Future physical therapy research should focus on 9 internationally applicable priorities.

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Artigo aberto
Aerobic fitness in children with cerebral palsy compared to typically developing peers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Emma J. Wijnhoud, Arnoud M.M. Edelman Bos, Annemieke I. Buizer, Heleen Beckerman
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101142

  • Children with cerebral palsy reach lower VO2peak values compared with typically developing peers.

  • Low aerobic fitness has immediate and long-term negative health consequences.

  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle and increase of habitual physical activities is warranted.

  • Intersectoral teamwork is required to overcome barriers to being physically active.

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Artigo aberto
The methodological quality of clinical trials of physical therapy for low back pain varies between countries with different income levels. A meta-epidemiological study
Carlos Maximiliano Sánchez Medina, Claudia Gutiérrez Camacho, Anne M. Moseley, Xochiquetzalli Tejeda Castellanos, Qiuzhe Chen, Edgar Denova-Gutiérrez, Aidan G Cashin, Viridiana Valderrama Godínez, ... Giovanni E. Ferreira
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101139
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Original Research
Andrea B. Cunha, Iryna Babik, Dongho Choi, Natalie Koziol, Regina T. Harbourne, Stacey C. Dusing, Sarah W. McCoy, Sandra L. Willett, James A. Bovaird, Michele A. Lobo
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:
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Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy
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