O Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy (BJPT) é a publicação oficial da Associação Brasileira de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia (ABRAPG-Ft).
O BJPT publica artigos originais nas áreas de fisioterapia e reabilitação, incluindo estudos clínicos, básicos ou aplicados sobre avaliação, prevenção e tratamento das disfunções de movimento.
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MEDLINE (National Library of Medicine); Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), CINAHL, CSA-Cambridge Scientific Abstracts.
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Physical therapists felt adding a diet to standard exercise intervention enabled care.
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Physical therapists were grateful for trial support when overseeing a diet intervention.
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They felt weight loss may be within scope of practice if other experts were involved.
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Women with infertility benefit from exercise.
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Social media was the primary source of information for exercise.
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Barriers and facilitators to exercise must be considered by physical therapists.
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The guideline establishes a consensus on anatomical terminology, signs/symptoms, and assessment of pelvic floor (PF) muscles in women, based on a systematic literature review, involving 21 Women's Health/Pelvic Floor experts.
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Clearly defined PF terminology in Brazilian Portuguese enhances clinical and scientific discussions by eliminating ambiguity.
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The guideline is expected to be widely used from undergraduate education to the evaluation and treatment of PF dysfunctions in research and clinical practice.
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To improve research efficiency, it is crucial to identify knowledge gaps and establish research priorities.
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This scoping review compiled all physical therapy research priorities into a global agenda for physical therapy research.
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Future physical therapy research should focus on 9 internationally applicable priorities.
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Children with cerebral palsy reach lower VO2peak values compared with typically developing peers.
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Low aerobic fitness has immediate and long-term negative health consequences.
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Promoting a healthy lifestyle and increase of habitual physical activities is warranted.
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Intersectoral teamwork is required to overcome barriers to being physically active.
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