Journal Information
Vol. 28. Issue 6.
(1 November 2024)
Looking for the future: Gaps in research and clinical rehabilitation for chronic chikungunya arthralgia
Rodrigo Pegado, Nilson N․Mendes Neto, Lucas Camargo, Kevin Pacheco-Barrios, Felipe Fregni
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101141
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Systematic review
Priorities in physical therapy research: A scoping review
Sara Souto-Miranda, Eduardo Brazete Cruz, Diogo Pires, Fernando Ribeiro, Nuno Cordeiro, Cristina Jácome
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101135

  • To improve research efficiency, it is crucial to identify knowledge gaps and establish research priorities.

  • This scoping review compiled all physical therapy research priorities into a global agenda for physical therapy research.

  • Future physical therapy research should focus on 9 internationally applicable priorities.

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Aerobic fitness in children with cerebral palsy compared to typically developing peers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Emma J. Wijnhoud, Arnoud M.M. Edelman Bos, Annemieke I. Buizer, Heleen Beckerman
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101142

  • Children with cerebral palsy reach lower VO2peak values compared with typically developing peers.

  • Low aerobic fitness has immediate and long-term negative health consequences.

  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle and increase of habitual physical activities is warranted.

  • Intersectoral teamwork is required to overcome barriers to being physically active.

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Open Article
The methodological quality of clinical trials of physical therapy for low back pain varies between countries with different income levels. A meta-epidemiological study
Carlos Maximiliano Sánchez Medina, Claudia Gutiérrez Camacho, Anne M. Moseley, Xochiquetzalli Tejeda Castellanos, Qiuzhe Chen, Edgar Denova-Gutiérrez, Aidan G Cashin, Viridiana Valderrama Godínez, ... Giovanni E. Ferreira
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101139
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Original research
Walking biomechanics in women with patellofemoral osteoarthritis differ compared to men with and women without patellofemoral osteoarthritis
Matthew G King, David C Ackland, Harvi F Hart, Anthony G Schache, Prasanna Sritharan, Marcus G Pandy, Kay M Crossley
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101132

  • Biomechanical impairments in patellofeomoral osteoarthritis are sex specific.

  • Joint moment impulses of anti gravity muscles are lower in women with PF OA.

  • Recommendations from male-dominated cohorts may not apply to women with PF OA.

  • Sex as an effect modifier should be considered in future research.

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Open Article
Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the dysfunctional voiding score symptoms (DVSS-Sp) questionnaire in a pediatric chilean sample
Alejandra Budinich-Almarza, Agustín Molina-Martinez, Barbara Burgos-Mansilla, Macarena Sola-Aylwin, Belén Sanchez-Antonucci, Claudio Bascour-Sandoval
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101133

  • DVIs are prevalent and a risk factor for pediatric urinary tracts infections

  • DVSS is a tool for assessing DVIs and there is no validated Spanish version

  • DVSS-Sp could be used to assess DVIs and the effectiveness of treatments

  • Results support the use of the DVSS-Sp in Spanish-speaking children

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Diagnostic accuracy of the flexion-rotation test and cut-off value in acute whiplash-associated disorders: A secondary analysis of a cross-sectional study
Ernesto Anarte-Lazo, Cleofas Rodriguez-Blanco, Carlos Bernal-Utrera
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101134

  • FRT is impaired in those people who present with headache after a whiplash injury.

  • The FRT demonstrated moderate accuracy to diagnose the presence of headache in this population.

  • The cut-off value for considering FRT as positive is 31.5° in people with whiplash-associated disorders.

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Brazilian Portuguese version of questionnaires assessing evidence-based practice competencies in healthcare students: Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and measurement properties
Guilherme S. Nunes, Diênifer Zilmer Rodrigues, Maria Ruzafa-Martinez, Penney Upton, Clarissa Medeiros da Luz, Fernanda Romaguera, Anna Julia M Dangui, Bruna Wageck
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101140

  • The Brazilian Portuguese versions of S-EBPQ and EBP-COQ are valid instruments.

  • The instruments have demonstrated adequate measurement properties.

  • S-EBPQ-BR and EBP-COQ-BR are applicable to both nursing and healthcare students.

  • The instruments detect changes in evidence-based practice skills in physical therapy students.

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The effects of photobiomodulation and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on chronic neck pain: A double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled trial
Érika P. Rampazo, Ana Laura M. de Andrade, Viviane R. da Silva, Claudio G.N. Back, Pascal Madeleine, Richard E. Liebano
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101124

  • The use of PBM or TENS was not effective for reducing pain intensity at rest of patients with chronic neck pain.

  • The combination of PBM and TENS reduced pain intensity during movement in neck pain.

  • The combination of PBM and TENS reduced local hyperalgesia in neck pain.

  • The combination of PBM and TENS improved global perceived effect in neck pain.

  • Isolated TENS reduced local and distant hyperalgesia in neck pain.

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Do measures of central sensitization relate to movement-evoked pain in people with chronic low back pain? A longitudinal prospective study
Lynn Leemans, Jo Nijs, Timothy H. Wideman, Hester den Bandt, Maarten Moens, Erika Joos, David Beckwée
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101138

  • MEP is related to symptoms and measures (i.e., PPT and TS) of central sensitization.

  • Improvements in MEP are predictively associated with improvements in PPT.

  • Optimal treatment for MEP with and without elevated MEP index scores is needed.

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Non-linear interactions among hip and foot biomechanical factors predict foot pronation during walking in women
Aline de Castro Cruz, Sérgio Teixeira Fonseca, Vanessa Lara Araújo, Juliana Melo Ocarino, Luciana De Michelis Mendonça, Renan Alves Resende, Thales Rezende Souza
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101136

  • Interactions between hip and foot factors predict the magnitude of foot pronation.

  • These interactions of foot and hip factors are non-linear.

  • The profiles help clinicians identify how these factors interact in walking.

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The immediate effects of mobilization with movement on shoulder range of motion and pain in patients with rotator cuff-related shoulder pain: A randomized controlled trial (Evolution Trial)
Sizhong Wang, Jiaxu Zeng, Ramakrishnan Mani, Cathy Mary Chapple, Daniel Cury Ribeiro
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101145

  • 1 set of 10 repetitions of MWM caused small improvements in angular onset of pain.

  • 3 sets of 10 repetitions of MWM improved angular onset of pain.

  • Those effects were observed with a group of patients who had predominantly chronic shoulder pain.

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Open Article
Glittre-ADL test to assess functional capacity in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction: Reproducibility, minimal detectable change, and cutoff point
Jéssica Costa Leite, Armele Dornelas de Andrade, Bruna T.S. Araújo, Endy Bianca Nunes da Hora, Thainá de Gomes Figueiredo, Josicléia Leôncio da Silva, Maria Inês Remígio de Aguiar, Sílvia Marinho Martins, ... Daniella Cunha Brandão
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101144

  • Heart failure (HF) that causes fatigue and dyspnea at rest and during exercise.

  • Maximum tests do not reflect limitations in activities of daily living.

  • Activities of daily living performance is better predicted using functional tests.

  • The cutoff point of the Glittre-ADL test can identify patients with severe HF.

  • Glittre-ADL test is capable of predicting the prognosis of patients with HF.

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The brief pain inventory—Interference Subscale has acceptable reliability but questionable validity in acute back and neck pain populations
Caitlin M.P. Jones, Chung-Wei Christine Lin, Joshua Zadro, Arianne Verhagen, Mark Hancock, Raymond Ostelo
Braz J Phys Ther. 2024;28:101150

  • In a mixed spinal pain population, the BPI-IS has two factors of interest.

  • Clinicians and researchers should use the BPI-IS with caution in this population.

  • The tool has acceptable reliability, but we could not confirm validity.

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Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy
en pt
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