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To improve research efficiency, it is crucial to identify knowledge gaps and establish research priorities.
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This scoping review compiled all physical therapy research priorities into a global agenda for physical therapy research.
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Future physical therapy research should focus on 9 internationally applicable priorities.
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Children with cerebral palsy reach lower VO2peak values compared with typically developing peers.
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Low aerobic fitness has immediate and long-term negative health consequences.
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Promoting a healthy lifestyle and increase of habitual physical activities is warranted.
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Intersectoral teamwork is required to overcome barriers to being physically active.
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Biomechanical impairments in patellofeomoral osteoarthritis are sex specific.
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Joint moment impulses of anti gravity muscles are lower in women with PF OA.
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Recommendations from male-dominated cohorts may not apply to women with PF OA.
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Sex as an effect modifier should be considered in future research.
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DVIs are prevalent and a risk factor for pediatric urinary tracts infections
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DVSS is a tool for assessing DVIs and there is no validated Spanish version
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DVSS-Sp could be used to assess DVIs and the effectiveness of treatments
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Results support the use of the DVSS-Sp in Spanish-speaking children
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FRT is impaired in those people who present with headache after a whiplash injury.
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The FRT demonstrated moderate accuracy to diagnose the presence of headache in this population.
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The cut-off value for considering FRT as positive is 31.5° in people with whiplash-associated disorders.
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The Brazilian Portuguese versions of S-EBPQ and EBP-COQ are valid instruments.
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The instruments have demonstrated adequate measurement properties.
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S-EBPQ-BR and EBP-COQ-BR are applicable to both nursing and healthcare students.
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The instruments detect changes in evidence-based practice skills in physical therapy students.
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The use of PBM or TENS was not effective for reducing pain intensity at rest of patients with chronic neck pain.
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The combination of PBM and TENS reduced pain intensity during movement in neck pain.
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The combination of PBM and TENS reduced local hyperalgesia in neck pain.
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The combination of PBM and TENS improved global perceived effect in neck pain.
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Isolated TENS reduced local and distant hyperalgesia in neck pain.
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MEP is related to symptoms and measures (i.e., PPT and TS) of central sensitization.
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Improvements in MEP are predictively associated with improvements in PPT.
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Optimal treatment for MEP with and without elevated MEP index scores is needed.
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Interactions between hip and foot factors predict the magnitude of foot pronation.
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These interactions of foot and hip factors are non-linear.
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The profiles help clinicians identify how these factors interact in walking.
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1 set of 10 repetitions of MWM caused small improvements in angular onset of pain.
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3 sets of 10 repetitions of MWM improved angular onset of pain.
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Those effects were observed with a group of patients who had predominantly chronic shoulder pain.
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Heart failure (HF) that causes fatigue and dyspnea at rest and during exercise.
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Maximum tests do not reflect limitations in activities of daily living.
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Activities of daily living performance is better predicted using functional tests.
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The cutoff point of the Glittre-ADL test can identify patients with severe HF.
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Glittre-ADL test is capable of predicting the prognosis of patients with HF.
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In a mixed spinal pain population, the BPI-IS has two factors of interest.
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Clinicians and researchers should use the BPI-IS with caution in this population.
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The tool has acceptable reliability, but we could not confirm validity.