Most popular
Articles that have received the most social media attention. Number of times they have been referenced in the last 3 years.
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Physical therapists’ use of recommended care has not changed since 1990s.
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Physical therapists’ use of treatments of unknown value appears to be increasing.
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One explanation for these trends is the challenge of keeping up to date with evidence.
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Other explanations include increased exposure to treatments of unknown value and not seeing value in research.
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Strategies to replace non-recommended care with recommended care are needed.
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Beliefs are an important target for the management of musculoskeletal pain.
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Behavioural learning is key to elicit and disconfirm unhelpful beliefs.
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We propose key principles to guide clinicians in promoting behavioural change.
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A case illustrates the role beliefs have on musculoskeletal pain management.
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It is hypothesized that Kinesio Taping® can change muscle activity in patients with low back pain.
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The Kinesio Taping® technique did not change the electromyographic signal intensity of the longissimus and iliocostalis muscles or reduce pain intensity in patients with chronic low back pain.
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More research on mechanisms of action is needed.
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Self-management support is person-centred care reinforcing patient autonomy.
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Avoid strong clinician control and help patients developing self-efficacy.
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Let patients’ value-based goals and shared decisions guide management.
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Help patients make sense of symptoms and reframe unhelpful perspectives.
Use supervised exercises as a tool to practice problem-solving skills
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Altered shoulder kinematics are believed to contribute to rotator cuff pathology by reducing the subacromial space.
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During arm elevation, the rotator cuff insertion is closest to the coracoacromial arch between 40° and 75° humerothoracic elevation.
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Glenohumeral plane of elevation and axial rotation impact subacromial proximities in complex ways.
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More research is needed to better understand the role of shoulder kinematics in the etiology of rotator cuff pathology.
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Total score of the Brazilian Bournemouth Questionnaire is valid.
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The Brazilian Bournemouth Questionnaire for low back pain is reliable.
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Standard Error of Measurement was 5.97 points.
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Minimum Detectable Change was 16.54 points.
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Most posts on Instagram and Twitter about physical therapy interventions do not cite information sources.
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Most profiles present potential conflicts of interest.
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Very few posts aimed to facilitate knowledge acquisition.
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Physical therapists should consume information from social media with caution.
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Content producers should consider means to facilitate knowledge translation.
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Measurement properties of most physical activity questionnaires have not been fully tested.
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Construct validation and reliability of most physical activity questionnaires are not acceptable.
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Methodological quality of most studies were considered poor.
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Interval training is an interesting strategy in increasing aerobic capacity.
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In patients with heart failure the use of combined interval training may effective in increasing VO2peak.
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Interval training combined with resistance training can maximize treatment time.
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Maximize treatment time is an aspect that has been important in the choice of interventions.
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Training combined showed more effective in improving VO2peak in patients with heart failure.