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Has physical therapists’ management of musculoskeletal conditions improved over time?
Joshua R. Zadro, Giovanni Ferreira
Braz J Phys Ther. 2020;24:458-62

  • Physical therapists’ use of recommended care has not changed since 1990s.

  • Physical therapists’ use of treatments of unknown value appears to be increasing.

  • One explanation for these trends is the challenge of keeping up to date with evidence.

  • Other explanations include increased exposure to treatments of unknown value and not seeing value in research.

  • Strategies to replace non-recommended care with recommended care are needed.

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Beliefs about the body and pain: the critical role in musculoskeletal pain management
J.P. Caneiro, Samantha Bunzli, Peter O'Sullivan
Braz J Phys Ther. 2021;25:17-29

  • Beliefs are an important target for the management of musculoskeletal pain.

  • Behavioural learning is key to elicit and disconfirm unhelpful beliefs.

  • We propose key principles to guide clinicians in promoting behavioural change.

  • A case illustrates the role beliefs have on musculoskeletal pain management.

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Can Kinesio Taping® influence the electromyographic signal intensity of trunk extensor muscles in patients with chronic low back pain? A randomized controlled trial
Leandro Garcia Pires, Rosimeire Simprini Padula, Maurício Antônio Da Luz Junior, Irlei Santos, Matheus Oliveira Almeida, Shaiane Silva Tomazoni, Lucíola Cunha Menezes Costa, Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa
Braz J Phys Ther. 2020;24:539-49

  • It is hypothesized that Kinesio Taping® can change muscle activity in patients with low back pain.

  • The Kinesio Taping® technique did not change the electromyographic signal intensity of the longissimus and iliocostalis muscles or reduce pain intensity in patients with chronic low back pain.

  • More research on mechanisms of action is needed.

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Self-management at the core of back pain care: 10 key points for clinicians
Alice Kongsted, Inge Ris, Per Kjaer, Jan Hartvigsen
Braz J Phys Ther. 2021;25:396-406

  • Self-management support is person-centred care reinforcing patient autonomy.

  • Avoid strong clinician control and help patients developing self-efficacy.

  • Let patients’ value-based goals and shared decisions guide management.

  • Help patients make sense of symptoms and reframe unhelpful perspectives.

    Use supervised exercises as a tool to practice problem-solving skills

Open access
Shoulder kinematics impact subacromial proximities: a review of the literature
Rebekah L. Lawrence, Jonathan P. Braman, Paula M. Ludewig
Braz J Phys Ther. 2020;24:219-30

  • Altered shoulder kinematics are believed to contribute to rotator cuff pathology by reducing the subacromial space.

  • During arm elevation, the rotator cuff insertion is closest to the coracoacromial arch between 40° and 75° humerothoracic elevation.

  • Glenohumeral plane of elevation and axial rotation impact subacromial proximities in complex ways.

  • More research is needed to better understand the role of shoulder kinematics in the etiology of rotator cuff pathology.

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Strategies for a safe and assertive telerehabilitation practice
Iuri Fioratti, Lívia G. Fernandes, Felipe J. Reis, Bruno T. Saragiotto
Braz J Phys Ther. 2021;25:113-6
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Psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of the Bournemouth questionnaire for low back pain: validity and reliability
Letícia Bojikian Calixtre, Carlos Luques Fonseca, Bruno Leonardo da Silva Gruninger, Danilo Harudy Kamonseki
Braz J Phys Ther. 2021;25:70-7

  • Total score of the Brazilian Bournemouth Questionnaire is valid.

  • The Brazilian Bournemouth Questionnaire for low back pain is reliable.

  • Standard Error of Measurement was 5.97 points.

  • Minimum Detectable Change was 16.54 points.

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Keep posting and following social media profiles about physical therapy, but be aware! A cross-sectional study of social media posts on Instagram and Twitter
Bruna Wageck, Iris S. Noal, Brenda D. Guterres, Samantha L. Adami, Daiane Bordin, Mauricio Fanfa, Guilherme S. Nunes
Braz J Phys Ther. 2023;27:100484

  • Most posts on Instagram and Twitter about physical therapy interventions do not cite information sources.

  • Most profiles present potential conflicts of interest.

  • Very few posts aimed to facilitate knowledge acquisition.

  • Physical therapists should consume information from social media with caution.

  • Content producers should consider means to facilitate knowledge translation.

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Critical evaluation of physical activity questionnaires translated to Brazilian-Portuguese: a systematic review on cross-cultural adaptation and measurements properties
Fernanda Gonçalves Silva, Crystian Bitencourt Oliveira, Thalysi Mayumi Hisamatsu, Ruben Faria Negrão Filho, Caio Russo Dutra Rodrigues, Marcia Rodrigues Franco, Rafael Zambelli Pinto
Braz J Phys Ther. 2020;24:187-218

  • Measurement properties of most physical activity questionnaires have not been fully tested.

  • Construct validation and reliability of most physical activity questionnaires are not acceptable.

  • Methodological quality of most studies were considered poor.

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Effect of combined interval training on the cardiorespiratory fitness in heart failure patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Incare Correa De Jesus, Francisco José de Menezes Junior, Paulo Cesar Barauce Bento, Astrid Wiens, Jorge Mota, Neiva Leite
Braz J Phys Ther. 2020;24:8-19

  • Interval training is an interesting strategy in increasing aerobic capacity.

  • In patients with heart failure the use of combined interval training may effective in increasing VO2peak.

  • Interval training combined with resistance training can maximize treatment time.

  • Maximize treatment time is an aspect that has been important in the choice of interventions.

  • Training combined showed more effective in improving VO2peak in patients with heart failure.

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Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy
en pt
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