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Sensitivity to change and responsiveness of provocative load tests among athletes with patellar tendinopathy
Diego Ruffino, Matías Alfonso, Vilma Campana, Peter Malliaras

  • Provocative loading tests are commonly used to identify individuals experiencing patellar tendon pain.

  • Single-leg decline squat and knee extension test are recommended for assessing pain severity and as an outcome measure.

  • Our results established the MCID for each of these tests which may be useful as outcome scores as individuals progress with their rehabilitation for patellar tendinopathy.

Full text access
Uncorrected Proof. Available online 28 April 2024
The time is now: Telehealth education and training in physical therapy
Luke M. Davies, J. BelindaLawford

  • Telehealth delivered physical therapy is effective and provides equivalent outcomes to in-person care.

  • Lack of telehealth knowledge is a significant barrier for implementation into clinical practice.

  • Physical therapy educators recognise the importance of telehealth education for emerging physical therapists.

Full text access
Uncorrected Proof. Available online 28 April 2024
Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy
en pt
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